Kelly Whyte

As a young child, Kelly Whyte grew up surrounded by artistic influences in a rural community near Belleville, Ontario. Her father was a photographer and her mother a culinary master. Kelly experimented in art and engaged in painting as a young adult. She used her father’s photographs as inspiration and the lush countryside as her muse.

A recently retired educator of 30 years, Kelly’s vision is to pursue her passion for painting local landscapes from the Kawartha Lakes and surrounding area. Her recently built studio, Rapley Fields Art Studio, is where Whyte creates bold, rich colourful oil paintings that invite the viewer into her story. Walk down a path, follow a creek or gaze at a sunset, the subject matter is familiar and comfortable.

Kelly’s painting style leans towards realism but she also enjoys painting colourful, impressionist paintings, with oils being her main medium. She continues to experiment with a variety of mediums and learn from other local artists. Her main joy is walking, skiing and hiking, while taking copious photos for her landscape inspirations. You will find Kelly in her studio most days, painting and listening to jazz music. She lovingly refers to her studio as Shangri-la.




Gail West • The English Potter