Don’t miss a single update with our e-newsletter, The Kawartha Lakes Cultural Connection. As the voice of culture in Kawartha Lakes, we aim to provide news, information, and updates — connecting relevant stories, current events, and all people and influencers involved in the cultural scene in Kawartha Lakes. Contributions and feedback are always welcome.

Happy Holidays to all our KLAC members!
It is almost time to renew your membership with KLAC!

How does arts and culture benefit your community?

Would you like to join the KLAC Team?
We are hiring two team members with support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation! Our part-time Marketplace Manager will extend the reach of KLAC’s virtual Marketplace, while our Digital Media Specialist will develop and execute a digital media content strategy.

Kawartha Lakes Country Living Show - 2022
KLAC is proud to support the Kawartha Lakes Country Living Show, illustrating the wide scope of creators found in our community. An early taste of what you will find at the upcoming Made In Kawartha Lakes Showcase (MIKL) at the end of May, 2022!

Greeting Card Collection - Spring/Summer 2022 - Request for Submissions
KLAC invites members to submit one (1) original image for our Spring/Summer Greeting Card Collection. A jury will choose ten (10) images to be featured. Image title and artist name will be included on the back of the card along with the KLAC logo and KLAC contact information.

KLAC is looking for fresh faces for its Board of Directors
Are you passionate about the work of KLAC and the arts and cultural community?

Refreshing our Communications to you, our Members!
In 2022 KLAC is changing up our newsletters to enhance their usefulness to you. You can expect to hear from us TWICE each month.
MIKL 2022: IT’s Happening!
It’s been a very long time since artists have been able to get together to exhibit and sell their work to the public, BUT – fingers crossed! – Made in Kawartha Lakes will be back bigger and better on May 28th & 29th, 2022.

Support Local Artisans this Holiday Season!
From open galleries, studios and shops, to our online marketplace - there are plenty of ways to support local artisans this holiday season!

Many organizations and artists in Kawartha Lakes run workshops focusing on various aspects of the Arts. Although some sessions have been put on hold due to the pandemic, other groups are putting safety measures in place and carrying on. Here is a selection of classes and workshops running now and Spring 2022:

The Joy of Teaching the Arts
Top secondary school educators in the Arts comment on their favourite aspects of teaching youth and share their top frustration with educating in the Arts.

It’s All About Pleasure
It never ceases to amaze me how many people, including me will exchange currency for food. To experience exquisite “taste” for many, it is worth performing laborious tasks that often take time. Not only that, but for many of us that pleasure is amplified when the food is delicious. A true culinary sandbox.
“Plein Air Paint @ the Miskwaa 2021”
When: October 16-17 from dawn to dusk and October 23-24 from dawn to dusk.
Where: Miskwaa Studio & Outdoor Gallery, 250 Edwina Drive
Contact: Daniel Marlatt, miskwaa.art@gmail.com, (416) 889-0096
Visitors can come out and enjoy nature and art created by live artists, this is a free event and very casual, come and go as you please.

October is a month for climate/environment advocacy
Here in Kawartha Lakes, we celebrate the variety of artistic expression and exceptional talents of our local artistic community in the broader Kawartha Region. Their distinct view and focus on nature and the environment displays their commitment to conservation and respect for the earth’s natural bounty. Featuring artists Stan Wojtaszek, Brian Cady, Micheal Dumas, Marcus Leydolt.