Don’t miss a single update with our e-newsletter, The Kawartha Lakes Cultural Connection. As the voice of culture in Kawartha Lakes, we aim to provide news, information, and updates — connecting relevant stories, current events, and all people and influencers involved in the cultural scene in Kawartha Lakes. Contributions and feedback are always welcome.

In Memoriam - Michael Poulton
Michael Poulton passed away peacefully after his losing his battle with cancer on February 15, 2019. For Michael, being an artist was more than a profession. He created a rich and fulfilling world where his life became his art. He was inspired by the beauty and wonder he saw in the world, and was compelled to reflect these qualities in his highly esoteric but always tongue-in-cheek body of work. While he travelled broadly, his life revolved around the Museum of Temporary Art in Victoria Road, Kawartha Lakes - his studio, his gallery and his family home.