Don’t miss a single update with our e-newsletter, The Kawartha Lakes Cultural Connection. As the voice of culture in Kawartha Lakes, we aim to provide news, information, and updates — connecting relevant stories, current events, and all people and influencers involved in the cultural scene in Kawartha Lakes. Contributions and feedback are always welcome.

Would you like to join the KLAC Team?
We are hiring two team members with support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation! Our part-time Marketplace Manager will extend the reach of KLAC’s virtual Marketplace, while our Digital Media Specialist will develop and execute a digital media content strategy.

KLAC is looking for fresh faces for its Board of Directors
Are you passionate about the work of KLAC and the arts and cultural community?

Refreshing our Communications to you, our Members!
In 2022 KLAC is changing up our newsletters to enhance their usefulness to you. You can expect to hear from us TWICE each month.

KLAC is Hiring!
Are you interested in arts and culture, have a background in office administration and social media, and have adept communication skills? The Kawartha Lakes Arts Council is looking for a part-time administrator to work approximately 5 hours a week remotely.
KLAC Pinnguaq Partnership for the Arts
As a new Community Partner of the Kawartha Lakes Arts Council, Pinnguaq Association is committed to support the arts council and its members with tools, training and learning in their field of specialty – everything digital. Their mission is to incorporate science, technology, engineering, arts and math, otherwise known as STEAM into unique learning applications that promote storytelling, health, wellness, growth, as well as the Arts.

Cultural Centre Feasibility Task Force is now in place
In January 2020, after working together with municipal leaders and Councillors since 2015, Council approved the recommendation of establishing a Cultural Centre Feasibility Task Force.

Kawartha Lakes Arts Council Releases First Greeting Card Collection
A collection of five member works is featured on the first-ever greeting card collection produced by the Kawartha Lakes Arts Council (KLAC).

Member Showcase - Gridley’s Herbs and Aromatherapy
Michelle was inspired by her ornamental herb garden in the backyard of her home to begin making tea. She then branched out to essential oils and soap making. When she first started making soap there was very little information available, so she read a variety of books and began experimenting.

What do you love about your arts community?
Local Artist Quotes
"Most artists I know are introverts and work alone, so it can be difficult for us to connect with kindred souls. Working with fellow artists in my local arts community over the years, planning and participating in studio tours, fundraisers and cultural events, having fun at workshops, and volunteering on arts councils, has helped me to connect with wonderful, like-minded folk. I love that we understand each other and wholeheartedly cheer each other on and am grateful for the lasting friendships these activities have fostered."
By Karen Richardson

Selling Your ARt on Marketplace
“Buy Local”! KLAC Members who are painters, sculptors, photographers, woodworkers, authors, and artisans of all stripes can sell their creative works on our new e-commerce platform, Marketplace. It is an easy system facilitated by the Kawartha Lakes Arts Council’s new website. First, you join KLAC as an Artist Member for an annual fee of $40.00. This entitles you to create your Member Page in our gallery, with up to 10 images of your work, three paragraphs of text and a link to your website, if you have one. These images are sent to KLAC’s email account: kawarthalakesartscouncil@gmail.com. Our digital provider, Barton Creative Co., creates the Member Page usually within 2-3 days of submission.

Kawartha Lakes Arts Council launches new way to support arts community
As a result of COVID-19, the Board of Kawartha Lakes Arts Council was forced to cancel the 4th annual two-day Made in Kawartha Lakes Art Show & Sale (MIKL) held in November. The annual show was missed by many who benefited from the exposure, sales and collaboration. As reflected by James Lukow of Your Dreams in Wood, “The show was missed for many reasons. I always look forward to checking in with fellow artisans and Arts & Heritage Trail members. Having attended for the last number of years I've noticed that people have specifically looked for me.”

Arts Achievement Award Winners Recognized
In October 2020 the first ever Kawartha Lakes Youth Awards were presented including two Arts Achievement Awards in partnership with the Kawartha Lakes Arts Council. The winners have received an honourary one year artist membership and we are pleased to profile them.

KLAC Member Benefits Expand
The year 2020 posed challenges for all members of our community – in particular, across Canada, the arts and cultural sector has been hard hit by the pandemic. For KLAC, we had to figure out how a grassroots, volunteer-run arts council could invest in new ways to deliver benefits to our Members, and help sustain our local creative community.

An Update from Ray Marshall
Hello Everyone! Happy Summer! I thought it would be an idea to check in with KLAC members on behalf of the KLAC Board. I hope you’re all doing well, adjusting to your new routines, and keeping busy with projects and pieces of work. Our challenges take up a very long list, as do some of our disappointments.

Penni Holdham, Artist, Designer, Muralist
Starting out in fashion, selling children’s apparel and driving a taxi, in 1976 Penni Holdham enrolled at Ontario College of Art, where she explored jewellery making, photography, sculpture and painting. Following graduation and a short stint as a ski bum, she worked for a Singles Dating Club in 1980. Social planning for singles led her to special events design and production. Here, she found a challenging career path offering a new creative opportunity every day.

A recent interview with Ray Marshall after he joined us on the Kawartha Lakes Arts Council.

Our Interview with Lesley Drummond
Lesley Drummond is an artist, educator and curator who has been actively involved in the Arts Community of the Kawartha Lakes for close to 30 years. Lesley majored in painting (with drawing, printmaking, sculpture and a fair bit of Art History rounding out her experience) at Queen’s University in Kingston.

Get To Know Board Member Dianne Lister
Compassion, community, connection, creativity. They’re the qualities that have defined Dianne Lister’s career, and the reasons she has become so involved with Kawartha Lakes Arts Council (KLAC). She brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise from her experience as a lawyer, charitable-sector leader, and executive coach, as well as a passion for the arts, as evidenced in her own photography and her extensive volunteer work in the field.