Don’t miss a single update with our e-newsletter, The Kawartha Lakes Cultural Connection. As the voice of culture in Kawartha Lakes, we aim to provide news, information, and updates — connecting relevant stories, current events, and all people and influencers involved in the cultural scene in Kawartha Lakes. Contributions and feedback are always welcome.

Many organizations and artists in Kawartha Lakes run workshops focusing on various aspects of the Arts. Although some sessions have been put on hold due to the pandemic, other groups are putting safety measures in place and carrying on. Here is a selection of classes and workshops running now and Spring 2022:

Kawartha Lakes Arts Council Releases First Greeting Card Collection
A collection of five member works is featured on the first-ever greeting card collection produced by the Kawartha Lakes Arts Council (KLAC).

What do you love about your arts community?
Local Artist Quotes
"Most artists I know are introverts and work alone, so it can be difficult for us to connect with kindred souls. Working with fellow artists in my local arts community over the years, planning and participating in studio tours, fundraisers and cultural events, having fun at workshops, and volunteering on arts councils, has helped me to connect with wonderful, like-minded folk. I love that we understand each other and wholeheartedly cheer each other on and am grateful for the lasting friendships these activities have fostered."
By Karen Richardson

Selling Your ARt on Marketplace
“Buy Local”! KLAC Members who are painters, sculptors, photographers, woodworkers, authors, and artisans of all stripes can sell their creative works on our new e-commerce platform, Marketplace. It is an easy system facilitated by the Kawartha Lakes Arts Council’s new website. First, you join KLAC as an Artist Member for an annual fee of $40.00. This entitles you to create your Member Page in our gallery, with up to 10 images of your work, three paragraphs of text and a link to your website, if you have one. These images are sent to KLAC’s email account: kawarthalakesartscouncil@gmail.com. Our digital provider, Barton Creative Co., creates the Member Page usually within 2-3 days of submission.

Member Showcase - KAren Richardson
Karen Richardson creates her watercolours in the art studio located in the lower level of her home in Lindsay. She has participated in over 100 solo and juried art shows and her works have been acquired by collectors in over 19 countries.